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May 13, 20191 min read
The Shy Turtle/ La Tortue timide
Imagine... strolling down a path and passing someone without even noticing her. Then, you stop and look more closely. It's a turtle! But...

Apr 23, 20191 min read
A pond, a cat, and a diamond ring/ Un étang, un chat, et une bague avec un diamant
Imagine... a story or a poem and/or draw a picture inspired by the following three images. Imagine... une histoire ou un poème et/ou...

Apr 15, 20191 min read
The Egret, the Alligator and the Egg/ L'aigrette, l'alligator et l'oeuf
Imagine... an egret and an alligator are good friends. One day they find a peculiar egg... What do they do with it? Does one of them...

Mar 26, 20191 min read
Morning Walk/ Promenade matinale
Imagine... enjoying a lovely morning walk along the bayou. Listen... what sounds do you hear? What sounds do you not hear? Now, imagine...

Feb 11, 20191 min read
A Friendship Story/ Une histoire d'amitié
Imagine... a snake, an owl, and a dog are best friends. How did they meet? Do they ever disagree? If so, about what? What do they most...

Nov 6, 20181 min read
A Bike Ride/ Une promenade à vélo
Imagine... taking a bike ride on a lovely day. Describe the sites and sounds. But also, describe the bike. Are the handle bars slippery?...

Oct 29, 20181 min read
An Autumn Morning/ Un matin en automne
Imagine... a story or a poem or a drawing inspired by these photographs. Use just one, a couple, or all of them. Remember to incorporate...

Feb 26, 20181 min read
A Day in a Candy Factory/Une journée à une bonbonnerie
If you could spend the day in a candy shop or factory, what would you do? Would you test each piece of candy? Which would be your...

Jan 23, 20181 min read
An Adventure Along the Rio Grande/ Une aventure le longue du Rio Grande
Imagine a trip along the Rio Grande River. Where are you heading exactly? Where are you coming from? What do you encounter along the way?...

Oct 24, 20171 min read
An Unexpected Visitor/ Un visiteur inattendu
Where did this guy fly in from? Where has he landed? What will he bring? Happiness? Magic? Chaos? Write a poem or a short story of...

Oct 16, 20171 min read
Create Your Own Mythology/ Crée ta propre mythologie
Find a connection between the following three photographs and write a poem or a story (as long or short as you wish). Trouve une...

Oct 9, 20171 min read
A Change of Season/ Un Changement de saison
Let these three images inspire you. Write a a short story, a poem, anything you like based on your imagination and where it takes you......

Oct 2, 20171 min read
Tea Time/ L'heure du thé
Let these three images inspire you. Write a a short story, a poem, anything you like based on your imagination. Laisse-toi être inspiré...

Sep 25, 20171 min read
Where to go? Où aller?
Instead of one image followed by a few questions, let's try a few images and one question. Combine anything that comes to mind from these...

May 30, 20171 min read
Mermaid Summer/L'Été en tant que Sirène
Summer vacation is here. Imagine that the first time you get into the pool this summer, your legs begin to transform and eventually morph...

May 22, 20171 min read
A Magic Castle/ Un château magique
To enter this magic castle, you must first pass through this sphere. It will do wondrous things that only you can imagine! Will it dress...

May 15, 20171 min read
Bon Voyage
Pick a corner of the world and plan a grand voyage. What type of ship will you have? What will you need to pack? Who will accompany you...

May 8, 20171 min read
Fairy Dwelling/ Chez les Fées
There are fairies living in the forest. Here his one of their homes. Who lives here? How do they spend their day? How are the daily...

May 1, 20171 min read
Almost Noon/Presque midi
You have an important meeting at 12:00, but you can't find the address. Who is waiting for you? What will you talk about? What will...

Apr 24, 20171 min read
Between Friends/ Entre Copins
The baby and her her teddy bear are sharing stories about their day. What's the baby's name? What's the teddy bear's name? And, what has...
Book reviews and "Imagine It!" activities
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