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Sep 17, 20181 min read
A Kite's view/ La Vue du cerf-volant
Imagine.... you can fly! You are a kite! From this height, what do you see? What do you hear? How do you feel? Are you eager to land? Or...

Sep 4, 20181 min read
Searching for a Clue/ Cherchant un indice
This little chihuahua has picked up a scent. Imagine what she smells. It's leading her somewhere. Imagine where. Suddenly, she hears...

Jan 23, 20181 min read
An Adventure Along the Rio Grande/ Une aventure le longue du Rio Grande
Imagine a trip along the Rio Grande River. Where are you heading exactly? Where are you coming from? What do you encounter along the way?...

Jan 16, 20181 min read
The Best Path/ Le meilleur chemin
While out hiking with your best friend, you lose your path. Finally, you spot a village where you could find help. But you and your...

Feb 6, 20171 min read
The Table is Ready/ À Table
In the castle, the table is set and ready for your guests. Who have you invited? Why? Where are they seated? What is the menu? What is...

Jan 9, 20171 min read
The Flood/L'Inondation
What sort of storm caused such flooding? Or, how many days has it been raining? Where are these two people going in their kayak? Is...

Oct 4, 20161 min read
Antique store/ Magasin d'antiquité
Who's the shopkeeper? What would be his/her most favoured treasure? Would he/she be willing to sell it? If yes, for what price? If not,...

Sep 12, 20161 min read
The Chairs /Les Chaises
Where did these chairs come from? Where are they now? Who stacked them like this and why? D'où viennent toutes ces chaises? Où sont-elles...

Apr 14, 20161 min read
Spotted in New Mexico/ Vu au Nouveau Mexique
Where is this extra-terrestrial going? What will he or she take along? What will he or she say about our planet? Où va-t-il, cet...

Feb 3, 20161 min read
A Fairy in the Forest / Une fée dans la forêt
Where is the fairy going? From where has she come? Is she alone? Why has she stopped? Où va-t-elle, la fée? D'où vient-elle? Est-elle...

Feb 3, 20161 min read
Topiary Friends/ Les Amis Topiares
Are these two characters friends? siblings? parents? What could they be talking about? Est-ce que ces personnages sont des amis? des...
Book reviews and "Imagine It!" activities
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