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A Bath Time like No Other!

Michelle Nott

When the Waterhole Dries Up written by Kaye Baillie and illustrated by Max Hamilton, published by Windy Hollow Books.

What does happen when the waterhole dries up? One little boy gets rather dusty and needs a bath. But he's not the only one who would like to refresh in some cool water. An open window becomes an open invitation. Kaye Baillie's rhythmic, symmetrical story reminded me of the classic One Was Johnny by Maurice Sendak as more and more animals arrive. Shenanigans then ensue when one creature (and I won't spoil it by saying who) provokes a chain of amusing chaos as they depart.

The unique creatures introduced in this book may be common to Australians, but kids around the world will have so much fun meeting crocs, quolls, dragons, among many others! Max Hamilton's illustrations add fun and humor to this story that children and adults will enjoy reading over and over again.

Imagine It!

Can you imagine leaving your window open, just as you were about to take your bath? On a hot day, what creatures in your neighborhood might crawl in when you weren't looking?

Imagine who would come first. How could they all fit?

Now, imagine what would have to happen to get them to leave? Would you want them to go? Why or why not?

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