Frankenslime written by Joy Keller and illustrated by Ashley Belote, published by Feiwel & Friends.

If you or your kids have ever played with slime, this is the book for you. Joy Keller stretches the imagination with the popular and simple science experiment of making slime.
Readers will immediately connect with Victoria and her passion for slime, but not just the regular slime. Victoria branches out and creates all kids of slime until other kids are lining up to feel her slimy, slippery, satisfying slime creations.
Then one night, Victoria's latest slime recipe creates live slime! Young readers will surely enjoy the mayhem that follows.
Ashley Belote's amusing and animated illustrations add even more fun to this already enjoyable story and will surely further inspire budding scientists (and artists!).
Bonus! The back matter offers three of Victoria's unique recipes for slime.
Imagine It!
Imagine that your kitchen is a science laboratory. Imagine that a parent is your trusted lab assistant. Pick one of the recipes from Frankenslime to make.
Now, imagine something more. Start with a favorite slime recipe and brainstorm ideas on how to make it unique, something that fits your personality or interests. Will you make it... brighter? stretchier? fluffier? in your school colors? What ingredients will you need to add or leave out? What measurements will you use? How can your trusted lab assistant help?
Record your results by writing out each step and/or by illustrating the process.
Imagine all the possibilities and all the fun!