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Apr 2, 20191 min read
The Chicken, the Pineapple, and the Daffodils/ La Poule, l'annanas et les jonquilles
Imagine... a story or a poem with a chicken, a pineapple, and some daffodils. What do they have in common? What are their differences?...

Feb 11, 20191 min read
A Friendship Story/ Une histoire d'amitié
Imagine... a snake, an owl, and a dog are best friends. How did they meet? Do they ever disagree? If so, about what? What do they most...

Jan 28, 20191 min read
Tea Time/ L'heure du thé
Imagine... who is sitting down for tea? It could be anyone -- a little mouse, a big mean monster with a sweet tooth, someone you know --...

Jan 14, 20191 min read
The Pottery, the Turtle, and the Apple/ La Poterie, la tortue et la pomme
Imagine... a story, a poem, or a visual scene (paint, draw, etc.) where these three objects each play a role. Try to use all 5 senses as...

Jan 7, 20191 min read
The Three Little Pigs, or Not/ Les trois petits cochons, ou pas...
writing prompts for kids

Nov 26, 20181 min read
Telegram!/ Télégramme!
You need to send an urgent message. The only way to be sure it arrives safely is to send it as a telegram. Where does it need to be sent?...

Oct 29, 20181 min read
An Autumn Morning/ Un matin en automne
Imagine... a story or a poem or a drawing inspired by these photographs. Use just one, a couple, or all of them. Remember to incorporate...

Oct 1, 20181 min read
A Doggy Weekend/ Un Week-end de chien
Imagine... your neighbours need you to babysit their dogs for a long weekend. The dogs are so excited to hang out for 3 days together!...

Sep 4, 20181 min read
Searching for a Clue/ Cherchant un indice
This little chihuahua has picked up a scent. Imagine what she smells. It's leading her somewhere. Imagine where. Suddenly, she hears...

Aug 27, 20181 min read
Slowly but Surely/ Lentement mais sûrement
It's a new school year and so much will happen between now and next summer. You might feel a bit sluggish getting back to school, just...

Jun 4, 20181 min read
Snake Thoughts/Les Pensées d'un serpent
Watch the following video of a snake making its way through a lake. What is he/she thinking? Where is he/she going? What will happen if...

May 21, 20181 min read
In a Puppy World/ Dans le monde des chiots
These two puppies just met at the park. They are having a really good time with each other! Can you imagine the conversation they could...

May 15, 20181 min read
Together/ Ensemble
See what these three words and/or images can inspire. Write a short story, poem, or draw a picture from what comes to mind: a star, sour,...

May 7, 20181 min read
A Tasty Creation/ Une création pleine de saveur
Use the following three words and three images to write a short story, a poem or to draw a picture: FLAVOR SCALE UNFAIR Utilise les trois...

May 1, 20181 min read
The Trail to... /Le chemin vers...
Let the following photos inspire you to write a story, poem, or to draw a picture. Try to use all three. Laisse-toi être inspiré(e) par...

Mar 26, 20181 min read
Spring Medley/ Un mélange printanier
Be inspired by these three images to create a short story or poem. Sois inspiré(e) par ces trois images pour créer une petite histoire ou...

Mar 20, 20181 min read
Hide-N-Seek/ Cache-cache
I've always thought it would be amazing to play hide-n-seek at Chambord castle in France... especially with the staircase designed by...

Feb 26, 20181 min read
A Day in a Candy Factory/Une journée à une bonbonnerie
If you could spend the day in a candy shop or factory, what would you do? Would you test each piece of candy? Which would be your...

Feb 20, 20181 min read
The Fairy Encounter/ La Rencontre avec un fée
This fairy has something very important to share with these two little girls. What is her message? What must they do? Will they succeed?...

Feb 13, 20181 min read
As Little as a Leaf/ Aussi petit qu'une feuille
Imagine you were as small as a leaf and could enter in between these stones. How far would you go? What would you find? Would there be...
Book reviews and "Imagine It!" activities
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